Kronløbsøen, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Tipologia costruzione:
  • Edifici residenziali
  • Parcheggi
  • Edifici commerciali
Schermo intero Chiudi

Kronløbsøen are for those who love the idea of living on an island but can’t live without the city life. It is an island with a green heart, three connecting bridges and basement parking which makes the island car-free.

Kronløbsøen is an island. The existing harbour basin, in Copenhagens Nordhavn (North Harbour), was dammed up so a 6 storey high residential complex could be established, with 3 levels of parking below terrain. After completion the seawater will be let in again to encircle the construction and form an island. The 3 levels of parking will thus be placed below sea level. The project contains 23,700 m² of residential housing and 33.000 m² of below sea level parking.

In all 3 parking decks, which are approx. 1 m thick, PSB® Punching Reinforcement has been installed. PSB® has made it possible to reduce the amount of concrete and steel reinforcement needed. In the above-mentioned building, which is constructed with prefabricated concrete elements and hollow core slabs, HPKM® Column Shoes and SUMO® Wall Shoes are used for all vertical connections.

HPKM® Column Shoes have made it possible to install concrete columns without using temporary bracing, thus making it a lot easier to assemble slab formwork and disassembling it again in the 3 parking decks.

The construction will be classified according to the certification scheme DGNB Guld, which guarantees that the property meets the highest standards in environmental, social and economic sustainability.

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Informazioni sul progetto

Dimensioni del progetto:
56.700 m2
Kronløbsøen Projekt P/S
Impresa di costruzioni:
NCC Danmark A/S
NCC Danmark A/S
COBE A/S, Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter A/S
Boligbeton A/S
Anno della fornitura:
Fine lavori:


Henrik Harder

Henrik Harder



Mob. +45 2093 4726